dimecres, 30 de gener del 2008

Carnestoltes moltes voltes

Ací estem esperant al rei Carnestlotes amb la primera consigna al cap, a veure la següent quina serà...

Nosaltres ja estem preparant les nostres disfresses com podeu comprovar per al passacarrer del divendres.

Bon carnestoltes a tots!

3 comentaris:

Pilar ha dit...

Come and play, come and dance...
It's Carnival!
Great fun for everybody.

escola santa anna ha dit...

It's fantastic to have Internet in our classroom.
We're very, very, very happy!
4th Primary

Miguel Mengual ha dit...

Hi everybody,
This is Miguel, Pilar’s cousin living in New York. Congratulations on your new Internet connection in your classroom!!
Internet is your new and best window to the world, and the world is a beautiful place.

